Sabudana Kheer or Tapioca Pudding

Sabudana Kheer or Tapioca Pudding

Serves: 2-3 persons


  • ½ cup sabudana
  • 2 cups milk
  • 1 cup water
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • Pinch of saffron
  • 2 tablespoon slivered almonds

Sabudana or Sago or Tapioca


  1. Wash and rinse sabudana with water at least 3 times. Fill 1 cup fresh water in a bowl and add rinsed sabudana. Let it soak for 5-6 hours. After 6 hours, sabudana will soak all the water and it will increase in size.
  2. Get a pan and add 1 cup milk. Start boiling the milk. As it starts boiling, add sabudana. Keep stiring all the time on a low-medium flame. Make sure the milk is not sticking to the pan.
  3. Add sugar and rest of the milk to the pan. Cook sabudana till it looks transperent. If it floats, then the kheer is ready. Add more milk if you need it or you need the thinner consistency.
  4. Add saffron and slivered almonds to the kheer.
  5. Serve hot or chilled.